
Eighteen years after the return from captivity, the temple has not yet been restored, and Jews have shifted their energy and resources to rebuilding their own homes. Enter Haggai, compatriot of Ezra, who mobilised the Jewish community to shift their priorities to the rebuilding of the temple, in a series of 4 prophecies that ‘came by the hand of Haggai’.

We look at each of the 4 prophecies, and consider how they can be applied today.

1 Thessalonians

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1 Thessalonians was written to encourage the Christians in that community with the goal that they would continue to grow in godliness, and this was to be motivated by their hope in the ultimate return of Jesus Christ. Scripture never tells us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, for true inspired change is a life of consistently walking in the power of God’s Spirit. And so to a group of young Christians with questions and uncertainties, Paul offered the hope of Christ’s return, providing both comfort in the midst of questions and motivation to godly living.

Know - Grow - Sow


At the beginning of the year, it is good to be reminded of why we exist as the Godfirst community. In this two part message, we are introduced to the new areas of operation of Know - Grow - Sow which will propel our vision forward for the next 5 years. At the same time, the revised values which determine how Godfirst church will fulfill its purpose are presented.

Soul Detox

This series is based on the tragic reality that you and I every day, every week, poison our inner lives with a lot of junk, sludge, toxins.In this series we are challenging ourselves and equipping ourselves from Scripture to close up the sewage pipe…

This series is based on the tragic reality that you and I every day, every week, poison our inner lives with a lot of junk, sludge, toxins.

In this series we are challenging ourselves and equipping ourselves from Scripture to close up the sewage pipes, shut down the luminous sludge, cut out the toxins, and to flush our souls out from the bad stuff. The Bible is the how-to-book for soul health.